Sunday, January 22, 2012

week 20: hard to focus

i have always loved things in miniature. which may explain why my daughter also loves playing with the tiniest people, houses and animals she can find. this week, i found some of my miniature quilts. mostly unfinished. so i started on getting them ready to hang or frame.

the first one had a few blocks done already...the square in a square so I just made some more blocks, added a border and Ta Da!

next, was the pineapple block...found the tiny pieces of fabric i was using, and the pattern....

and TA DA!

then, had to do some mommy duty, made ella a recorder bag...

...covered some books and even had time for some hooky:

as well as cups of tea and my auntys famous shortbread...

watched by peeka...

and waited for by Lily....

and that, in a nutshell, was week 20!

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