Sunday, March 18, 2012

week 28

this is what I have done for week 28...

yep, nothing...lets see what the public holiday on wednesday brings, hopefully some inspiration!

......all i did this week was take pictures...with our little 6 year old neice and her dad, my brother-in-law over for just a weeks visit, we spent lots of time doing touristy things...

...have also been working late nights, so maybe this week will be more fruitful. well, more fruitful than just taking hundreds of photos!


week 27

Having made my new stained glass sample this week, I also embarked on the spider web sample for my upcoming classes the next two weeks.

i also taught eagan how to knit..he was almost a natural....

and that, was week 27....not a lot happening, just working, and waiting for seans brother and our neice to arrive from the UK....

Monday, March 12, 2012

week 26..and 27.

Phew. This is hard going. We spent a very rainy weekend, under threat of a cyclone, then downgraded to a tropical storm, and the kids were pent up with energy, so we mosaiced!
Here is a matching word for my Love:

Week 27 and I met up with a friend on friday afternoon and we scrapped. It had been toooo long. I don't think I have scrapped this year at all. I worked on a kit from local art shop, and from online scrapkits. The scrapping bug bit, and I scrapped all weekend until I ran out of sticky things!

Have also made up a stained glass square, so my students can see that the stained glass quilt can look great in batiks, as well as in kiddie prints.

AND I found a covered button tool, and made 4 little buttons...need more supplies and my plan is to make co-ordinating funky ones, tag them up and hopefully sell them on. Feeding my crafting habit is expensive you know!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

week 24, 25 and heading into 26

All consumed with houses I am! I have today, finished stitching my houses into a row. My sweet little houses now need some borders, some quilting and then I think I am going to frame them. Space however is an issue, with our thatch, our walls are limited. and already full of mosaics, scrapbooked frames, pictures, photographs, and yes, quilts! I think a loooonnnnng frame will be more versatile than a quilt hanging....only, I will lose the tactile equation.

so there you have them: TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (to echo Lucy from Attic 24, my FAV crochet spot)

Week 25 also saw a bit more hooky...

made these from the purl magazine, a local South African yarn manufacturer's magazine. These cottons are also local, and are so nice to crochet with in this heat wave.

now, as we head into week 26..shall i scrap a little with these new papers and stamps I have acquired..

or should a play more with my yarns...
or perhaps start a new house project?
watch this space!